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  • Captain Rodney’s Peachtree Chicken Cheese Dip
  • Author avatar
    Brad Simmons
  • appetizersCaptain Rodney'sChickenHot SaucePeach Barbeque
Captain Rodney’s Peachtree Chicken Cheese Dip

A tasty buffalo-style chicken dip, with a Southern flair.

Combine softened cream cheese, bleu cheese dressing, mozzarella cheese and Captain Rodney’s Peach Barbeque Boucan Sauce. Add hot sauce to taste, if desired. Add chicken, mix well and bake for 20 minutes at 350°. Spread crushed butter crackers over top and garnish with Peach Barbeque Boucan Sauce. Serve with celery sticks, carrots and crackers.

  • Author avatar
    Brad Simmons
  • appetizersCaptain Rodney'sChickenHot SaucePeach Barbeque